Will it fit? I don't think so...
Once again on my occasional stint at the globo-gym I was compelled to pull out my iPhone 3GS to capture this gem of an exercise.
Let me start off with a positive note: He did place his hand over his lower back which signaled to me (personally I doubt that the client had a clue) that the trainer was considering the safety of the client's lower back. Okay, now for the fun stuff... How much would YOU pay for this type of training?
I would like to know what this particular exercise is called? Just looking at it I would definitely come to the conclusion that after "X" amount of reps there is no way in hell that the barbell will fit up my a$$ let alone his. I deem this the "Shove It"
The "Shove It" is a mash up of a horrible reverse deadlift (W.T.F. is a reverse deadlift???), to an exaggerated back extension, followed by a shrug, and a calf raise. You have got to be kidding me. Please also note it is only a 20lb. barbell.
The sad part is that the client has absolutely no clue that he is not getting his monies worth and looks like and absolute fool. Is it his fault? No, misinformation, lack of knowledge, improper education, and inexperience is not to blame...perhaps a little common sense though... but then again have you seen what those infomercials sell on TV? The trainer is 100% at fault!
Do you consider this exercise safe and functional? Please post thoughts to comments.