Monday, September 21, 2009

2 Monkeys...

As only Dane Cook can put it...

... 2 Monkeys F***'n a Coconut!

I would love to know where these two guys learned about this exercise. I literally sat and watched them for about 15 minutes in amazement. I contemplated if I should go and stop them, but they were the type of guys that are trying to get "BIG" (I don't think I need to explain that.) and have crazy unnecessary egos. After each so-called set they walked around puffing their chests and barking/peacocking. It was straight comedy. I still do not know which partner got the most amount of work in... "the spotter" or "the rower?"

The question is simple; Is this functional fitness? Please post thoughts & answers to comments.


  1. It's 'functional' if you consider lifting bodies 'Sporano-style' from the ground into a car-trunk-level position to be a 'function.'

    Then again, GPP means differnt things to differnt people.

    (barking/peacocking- HA !!!!!!!)

  2. ruben that is so funny! (mom)
