Have you ever noticed every 2nd week of the month we have a whole mess of Men's Health, Men's Fitness, Self, Shape, etc. Subscribers do all kinds of silly exercises in the gym? Keep an eye out for this common trend.
Now, lets dive into this post real quick...
I was sittting at my desk and decided to
google mens health under the images tab for shits n' giggles to see what would come up. I was shortly bombarded by cover after cover of the magazine Men's Health. As I looked over the covers I started to notice a trend on the key words that they constantly use to attract readers. I saved a number of covers to share with you what I had discovered. (See Below)

What 3 words do you see repeated throughout all 3 covers? Let me give you a minute (insert Jeopardy music...) Got it? Yup, that is correct: LOSE YOUR GUT!
Yes, I know there are a number of other repeated words but those are the big bold ones. Now Check out these covers...
And these are all about FLAT-BELLY FOODS! Ahhhh-ha right like that is true.
And then there is the last bunch SIX-PACK ABS! Oh okay, so thats how you get one...
I think you get at what I am getting at....RIGHT??? There is another repeated set saying GET BACK IN SHAPE!
Where is the originality? What is it? Every quarter rotates between headlines... WOW! Money talks and these headlines make money, but does it make a difference in a person's life? Will you make that difference, that change from following this magazine? NO, YOU WILL NOT!